Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Arrangement of the Month: May


Just under the wire, I thought I'd share my arrangement of the month for May! I made some bouquets for a photoshoot with my talented friend McKenzie- (she'll create beautiful vacation, wedding or honeymoon photos if you're planning a visit to the Big Island!). I wanted some fresh photos for Becky Kazana that showcase my wedding cake toppers in beautiful Hawaii and with a bride and groom to add a little context and pizazz.

Staging a little mini wedding with Eric was a blast- I can't wait to share the photos with you. I made a few sets of bouquets and bouttonieres in case they wilted quickly in the hot Hawaiian sun. I just used flowers and greenery from around my condo- bouganvailia is everywhere here as well as astilbe and lots of pretty feathery ferns and greens like those cool palm tree tendrils.

I worked outside so that I wouldn't bring all sorts of creepy crawlies inside with me and just swept my leaf mess into the bushes when I was done. I kept the bouquets & bouts at room temperature in glasses of water, and they looked great the morning of the shoot. My favorite part is that I had gorgeous lush flowers for my shoot that didn't cost me a penny.

What's blooming where you live?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Movie Review: The Five Year Engagement

Have you seen The Five Year Engagement yet? Eric and I went to a matinee on a whim the other day (don't you love going to the movies in the middle of the day? It feels so decadent and you often have the theater practically to yourself!) and though it wasn't perfect it was very enjoyable.

The story follows a couple who are engaged but have to keep postponing their wedding, first due to a big move, then due to grad school, and then because they both begin to wonder if they are right for each other after all. 

Emily Blunt was delightful to watch and the film told a story that felt authentic in it's strangeness. Real life is wierd and it was nice to see a film that understood that. However, this film was made by Judd Apatow and company and I felt as I usually do about these movies- when you are doing improvisation instead of following a script, there is a lot of material, and not all of it is solid gold. I would have had no trouble cutting about 20 minutes out of the movie, which dragged oddly in many places.

The costume design was one of my favorite elements of the film. The characters are all nerdy/cool, well educated, San Francisco types, so the aesthetic was quirky, sophisticated and cool. Turns out the costume designer, Lisa Evans has been working with Jason Seagull for years. She was also the talent behind the looks in Bridesmaids and Get Him to the Greek. Here are some fun interviews about her design process.

Have you seen any good movies lately? I'd love some suggestions!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Packing up!

School has ended at last, I've just tapped in a spring recital for the Dancing Tree, today I'm baking a cake for a going away and engagement party for some dear friends and I've been slowly but steadily taking down the tent poles around here while also packing for my summer adventures in Oregon, New York and Minnesota. Whew! I will get back into my blogging routine in earnest as I travel. (We did have fun together last summer in Vienna, didn't we?)

Do you have any summer vacation plans?

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Cake of the Month for May: Orange Chiffon Cake

Cake of the Month for May is this lovely Orange Chiffon Cake!
I'm cheating a bit posting this, since it was actually baked almost a month ago for my friend Anna's birthday, but here we are. I used this Orange Chiffon Cake recipe from the always excellent Joy of Baking and it was just what they described: light, airy, moist and delicious.

I glazed it with a little icing made with powdered sugar and orange juice just to accent the decoration from the pan. If I were making it again, I'd add more orange zest to give it more intense orange flavor. I'm also kicking myself for not adding nasturtiums for decoration. The orange color of the flowers would complement the orange flavor inside and they are edible! Perhaps I can use edible flowers in my cake for June. What are you baking this week?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Mumu to Robe!

What possessed me to buy this insane mumu at Ross a few months ago? Besides my fixation on caftans for the beach, I kinda dug the psychedelic print and magenta crocheted trim on the collar and cuffs. Oh yes, and the six dollar price tag. (It's my emotional price point!)

I snipped off the bottom, gave it a hem, turned the extra fabric into a sash belt and it's my new bathrobe! Not perfect, but quite Anthropologie-esque, wouldn't you say? What's the craziest garment you've bought impulsively? Did you end up regretting it? (Or did you secretly love it no matter what anyone else said?)

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Becky Kazana Cardinal Wedding Cake Topper featured in Kentucky Bride Magazine!

Remember Gloria & Ryan's lovely wedding? Well, their pretty wedding cake featuring Cardinals from Becky Kazana has just been featured in Kentucky Bride Magazine. I'm so delighted! Don't my Cardinals look sweet perched on their wedding cake?

The Cardinal is a very popular state bird; Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, North Carolina, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia have all honored this dapper pair as their official state bird. I think giving a little nod to your home state with your wedding cake topper is an adorable idea. I have Quails for California brides, Loons for Minnesota brides, Pelicans for Louisiana brides and Ravens for Maryland brides. What's your favorite bird? Does it have special symbolism for you?

Monday, May 14, 2012

DIY with The Fab Miss B: Make Your Own Vanilla Extract!

All you need to make your own vanilla extract is a bean, a knife, some booze and a bottle!

Did you know it's easy to make your own vanilla extract? I didn't until we visited The Hawaiian Vanilla Company and they told us how to do it. All you need is a cured vanilla bean, an 8oz. bottle and alcohol of your choice. (Rum and Vodka are most common.) Momma D gave me their little kit to try and we had fun preparing it together.

Simply split the bean in half with a knife to allow the seeds to infuse the liquor. No need to scrape or mash the bean- the liquid does the work of pulling the seeds and flavor out.

Slip the bean in the bottle and fill it with the booze. Let it sit in a dark cool place for three months and you'll have your very own home made vanilla extract! I can't wait to try mine, which will be ready around when I come back from New York.

Isn't it fun to discover that something you thought you had to buy is very simple to assemble yourself? I've learned how to make my own granola, bread, croutons and even chocolate sauce, and it's fun to taste the difference in food without chemicals and preservatives. Next on my list? Making authentic maraschino cherries myself! 

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

Shirley Mclaine & Daughter via Middle Child Comlex
I hope you're enjoying brunch with your Mum today and treating her like a queen. Mine is far away, and we have to make do with phone calls, but I'm remembering the hundreds of thousands of hours she spent reading to me, bathing me, cooking for me, teaching me, inspiring me, protecting me. You know, loving me! I am so lucky to have her.

She's always been my number one fashion inspiration, so this article on raiding Mom's closet was a fun one. And Waitress is the ultimate Mother/Daughter movie, wouldn't you agree? My Mom and I always call each other teary eyed after we watch it.

Make sure to let her know how much she means to you today.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Guerilla Gardening at Work

Guerilla Gardening with a Christmas Amaryllis
Have you heard of Guerrilla Gardening? It's the idea of sneakily planting in a public space that needs a little color and love. The school where I work is full of spots like these and a year ago, I planted my Christmas Amaryllis bulbs in a random planter, not sure what they would do. (Don't they like a good freeze?) 

Then, a few weeks back, when I was having a particularly grueling day subbing, I noticed it was in full and glorious bloom, right outside the room I was working in! How is that for a moment of unanticipated beauty? 

This corner could still use some love, but doesn't the blooming Amaryllis cheery it right up?
Since Eric and I are taking down the tent poles again for the summer, (have I mentioned that I am heading off to New York for a month or so?) I have a lot of houseplants that will be needing new homes, and surreptitiously planting them around school will be a lovely way to share and continue to enjoy them. 

Have you ever done any rouge gardening? Do you remember this feature from Vogue? If only my guerilla gardening efforts were that glam (and well funded)!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Simple Pleasures: Letterpressed Birthday Cards

Letterpress Birthday Card from Smock Paper

Do you keep a little stash of greeting cards on hand? I've gotten in the habit of snapping up great cards whenever and wherever I find them because an occasion always seems to present itself. 

This little trick of buying ahead has saved me hours of wandering the aisles of "For My Half Sister on Her 33rd Birthday" Hallmark trash.  Instead I have a selection of things that are beautifully made that I am delighted to give. 

I came upon Smock Paper while hunting for a non-cheesy Father's Day Card and found myself ordering a whole stack of beautiful cards. I love how they feel homespun and luxurious at once. Dude and Chick is another favorite stop- they have great cards for men that are humorous without being stupid or trite. A rarity in the world of greeting cards, no? 

Do you still give old fashioned cards? Where do you buy yours?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Simple Pleasures: Sipping Ouzo

Have you ever tried Ouzo?

Do you notice your tastes changing as you grow older? I'm noticing that I no longer like super sweet cocktails, preferring instead tart, floral or even herbal flavors. 

I impulsively picked up some Ouzo recently, mainly because I found the bottle so pretty. It has an anise flavor that reminds me of licorice or cloves, but much more subtle than Sambuca. 

Google suggested that I serve it over ice topped with lemonade and it was delicious. It tasted clean, refreshing, light and  maybe even slightly medicinal. I wonder if there are any top secret Greek health benefits associated with this lovely beverage?

What are you drinking lately? 

Friday, May 04, 2012

Make Your Own Pom Pom Dishtowels

DIY Dishtowels are so simple!

My DIY dishtowels were featured on I-Village recently, and coincidentally I had just finished whipping up another little batch of 'em. Here they are cheering up my kitchen while things bubble away on the stove.Is there anything more fun to sew with than pom pom trim? I doubt it.

Have you tackled any sewing projects lately? I've borrowed a friend's machine & have been tearing through a stack of projects that had piled up. It feels good to cross "mending" off my to do list.

Thursday, May 03, 2012

Thoughtful Gifts for Mom

Mother's Day gifts can be tough. Flowers and chocolates are nice, but year after year, they get a little dull. Here are a few little luxuries Mom will enjoy just as much, that go a little off the beaten path.
Lobster Plate 

What Mom would really love is to skip a night of cooking. Grill up some lobster tails, toss a salad, pour some champagne and plate it all up on a pretty piece of china that she can enjoy for years to come.

Tarte lip tints

These Tarte lip tints are my new favorite product- they give a glossy hint of a color far bolder than you would apply if you had to commit to real lipstick, and they smell lovely with a hint of beeswax and mint. Why not let mom try three different shades?

Customized Monogrammed necklace

This tortoise shell necklace will never go out of style. There are lots of colors available, and you can choose your own chain length too! She'll wear it for years to come. 

Personalized Stationery from Tiny Prints 

Custom printed stationery is always an elegant gift, and wasn't it your mother who taught you the importance of hand written thank you notes to begin with? 
Agraria Bath Salts from Gifts that Give.

These super luxe bath salts come with a little shell to scoop them into steamy water. Purchase them from Gifts that Give and part of your purchase goes to charity. What Mom wouldn't love that?  

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