Confession: I put up my Christmas tree this weekend. I just get so excited about the holidays and love playing elf. I may or may not have also started making Christmas care packages for some of my favorite people. The challenge will be to hold off mailing them until at least after Thanksgiving!
What is your secret to making the holidays fun and joyful every year instead of a chore to be survived?
I love to put up the Christmas decor and I do enjoy all the Holiday Decor and Living frisson.
Being a Christian it's - the Advent and Christmas - a very sweet time of the year for me and my family.
But I can't put the decorations up too soon (and now would be too soon) because since I redecorate my entire house I get easily tired wanting my "old" back,without all the trimmings...
Does it make any sense? I also need the Winter to settle in... really, even trees are confused here, no longer sure what season we are :).
My Christmas Tree will arrive on December 8th, the day that celebrates Immaculate Conception.
My benchmark is usually the Santa Claus Parade - both for the tree and for outdoor lights. Once Santa rides through downtown, it's all fair game.
I'm an American that just moved to England. I miss Thanksgiving and without that holiday to fill the void in my life during November, I've already jumped to Christmas. I think I've had two - yes two - Christmas trees up for over a week now.
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