Our teacher was the lovely Ria Mathews, who guided us through an elaborate menu in celebration of Diwali, the festival of lights, which is also the opening of the financial year in India. A big feast is a traditional way of welcoming wealth and light into your life for the year- who wouldn't want more of both?
A hearty curry was next- hers included tamarind pulp which made such a difference in giving the curry an interesting sour tang. I can't wait to try it again when we head back to Hawaii where it is easy to find this exotic ingredient.
Puffed fry bread was next. Little pancakes of dough are slid into the pot of hot oil and immediately begin to puff and turn golden brown. (They reminded me of the sopaipillas I fell madly in love with when I lived in New Mexico.) One can see why a wire strainer and drying rack are essential equipment in an Indian kitchen! Since our meal was entirely vegetarian, I didn't feel even the slightest bit guilty about using so much oil. It didn't feel heavy or greasy at all.
We finished the evening with a caramelized carrot dessert with candied raisins and nuts. It is meant to top ice cream- ours didn't quite turn out, but a sample of Ria's definitely made me want to attempt it at home at least once more.
Omg! Thanks so much for this,Becky! It was so much fun cooking with you guys! Happy Anniversary!!
I have thought about taking a cooking class but never have. After reading this, I think I just might do it.
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