Can you tell my impending move has me fantasizing about a Tumbleweed home again? Something about packing up my house every year or so always makes me want to chuck it all except for a few perfectly made pieces and live in blissful stuff-lessness. But then my magpie collector self discovers things and brings them home. I can't be the only one with this eternal struggle. How do you balance too much, too little and just right?
P.S) Did you see the 30 Rock where Liz tests her relationship by taking her boyfriend to buy a table at Ikea? That scene inspired this post's title, which I hope means that I am soft, elegant, yet sturdy and compact. Ha! What does your table say about you?
1 comment:
I'm loving that table first off! Secondly, I totally relate. I'm sick of moving "stuff" so I like to keep things paired down to a minimum but like you, I seem to just ....gather things. It's insane. My current table says I'm boring and unimaginative. It was a gift though and I'm not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. If I could have my dream table, it would be reclaimed driftwood off a beach somewhere. I've seen a few in my lifetime and they're just sooooo pretty, rustic, and simple. Totally my style.
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