Saturday, December 24, 2011

Peace on Earth, Goodwill towards Men.

White Dove in Peaceful Night by Joojoo

Today's Writer's Almanac included a description of the famous 1914 Christmas Truce when German and British soldiers laid down arms to honor the spirit of Christmas. This event has been immortalized a thousand ways, because it speaks to the preciousness of life we all posses. For that one night, the men were able to reclaim their humanity in the midst of grim and heartless bloodshed.

In Women Food and God, Geneen Roth describes a yogi who encouraged his students to remember the thousands of people who had died that day. "Think of what they would give to be in a body again, even for just a few moments." Our bodies may be only husks, but how precious is a body with a soul and pulse abiding in it?

That great gift of life deserves honor in every person that we encounter, no matter the wrongs given or received. I think the best way to honor Christmas in our hearts, is to practice extra kindness today- to your closest relatives and complete strangers alike. Don't forget yourself either. (How often we are strangers to ourselves, as well as those we love!)

Be kind to every living thing today in honor of that divine gift of life. That is certainly the message of peace that Jesus offered the world so very long ago.

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