Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Fashion Forward: When Showing Less is More

Did you catch this fabulous lady on The Sartorialist about a month ago? This photo just took my breath away. Talk about refreshing. I'm agog at how unbelievably sexy her toes become when every other part of her skin is covered.

I think the veil can be a gorgeous symbol when it is chosen and embraced with enthusiasm and panache like this. At it's best, the veil is a reminder that women are precious not because of their bodies, but because of an inner beauty that is carefully cultivated as they move through life. (Juxtapose that with the Hollywood Starlets so convinced that their bodies are their only asset that they have given up wearing underwear. Eek.)

I've seen many Somalian Muslim girls in my hometown of Minneapolis wearing the modest garments their religion prescribes while still imbuing their clothing with personality and imagination. (Sequins on the long skirts, pom poms on the scarves- fun with layering, chiffon, wonderful jewelery and the art of knowing what not to show.) Isn't that fashion at it's best?

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