I'd never complain about the weather in Hawaii, but I will say that the subtle pastels of spring are a thrillingly unexpected end to winter each year, and sometimes I miss them. When you imagine a plant hearty enough to push it's way through the sludge, muck and salt crusted ice chunks of a Minnesota winter, would you ever imagine something as delicate and elegant as a crocus? And can one really appreciate how lovely the first crocus of spring is, without enduring the ice and howling winds of January?
Anyway, here is a little Etsy Story for Spring about The Bird Watcher.

On a brisk March morning in Maine, our heroine is gathering supplies for a day in the woods. Her trusty
field notebook is essential.

She pulls on her sturdy
snow Boots. (Birders can't do their job with cold, wet feet, now can they?)

She bedecks her earlobes with these
Sparkly Emerald Earrings, because a day in the woods shouldn't be a day without glamour.

She brings along her
Berry Picking Basket, just in case she comes across some sort of wild edible. (You never know where mushrooms, rhubarb and wild greens might turn up!)

Along with her favorite antique
Bird Book. The illustrations are very helpful for identification!

Bird watching often means getting very still and doing lots of waiting, so she passes the time by making beautiful pen and
ink drawings. 
With the help of her prized
Antique Field Glasses,

She catches a glimpse of several very rare species, including the ever elusive
Bird No 17.

When she arrives back from her adventure, cheeks red from the cold spring air, she unwraps her scarf and unbuttons her flannel coat, leaves her boots in a puddle of slush in the mud room and pops some cheerful fiddle music on her
rustic i-pod docking station.

She heads to the kitchen to make a mug of steaming spiced tea and a
Plate of raspberry shortbread.

While she munches them she contemplates her favorite
painting, which hangs at eye level, just across from her favorite overstuffed chair.

Tomorrow, she'll spend the day making preserves to
fill these jars with the first flavors of spring.
oh i see soooo many things in here i love! especially that bird book!!! thank you for including my earrings. "a day in the woods shouldn't be a day without glamour" hahah! that's great. :)
This is THE loveliest post EVER! I want everything mentioned! My birdie is delighted to be here, thanks!
what fun! Now off co click the links
love this post-- so engaging and charming -- and it's true-- seeing all the signals of new life in spring is a wonderful sight to behold and appreciate after a long winter--
your picks put me in the mood for some early spring hiking!
thanks for featuring the girlscout book and canteen!
this is such a fun idea! thanks so much for including my animalskine!
best to you.
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