Brutus is a very pampered pooch. He enjoys all the finer things in life.

He wears
a beautiful customized copper tag around his neck.

He rests his icy beverages upon
elegant letterpress coasters.

He only eats
homemade organic doggy biscuits. (Why settle for anything less?)

He has an extensive collection of silver cups and blue ribbons and
throngs of adoring fans among the neighborhood children.
portrait of his hero hangs in his bedroom.

leather leash is the only sort that will do for a dog of such discerning taste.

vintage pin was a gift from Brutus to his girlfriend Fifi. It reminded him of her, though he can't say quite why. (She loved it, if you're wondering...)

Brutus's glossy coat is shampooed with the
finest handmade soap once a week. (He doesn't realize it of course, but he's rather a stinky fellow.)

At night, he dozes off in an
exquisite Louis the XVI worthy bed and dreams of giant bones and chasing cats. (See the
treasury live on Etsy here, and
the archives here.)
I enjoyed reading you blog about Brutus. Thanks for using one of my images.
I really like the Dog Shampoo Label.
What a cute blog!!!
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