Friday, October 27, 2006

Lets Get this Show on the Road!

Feeling a great deal better today, although my cold is still lingering. Last night we ventured out for pan-African food at this place called Tam Tams. We had these little fried pastries filled with ground beef, spices and peas and a really delicious stew (with Goat! Something we have to get used to, because it is a staple in most of Africa.) There was also a monstrous beef rib with a salsa to dip it in and some really delicious flat bread. The waitress was really sweet...she didn't know how to uncork the wine or even how to open a beer bottle. It was charming and we had a great meal and some interesting discussions about Greg's expiriences and also about our research. We are leaving in just ten days. There is much more to do, of course, but I feel like things are coming together.

This morning we had a phone conversation with Robert S. Desowitz, one of the world's foremost Malariaologists. I had a long list of questions prepared, but it ended up being more of a preliminary conversation about what other folks we should contact etc., so Eric did the talking as he has been in charge of contacts. Still, it is really very exciting that we are getting this kind of access to people. It sounds like everyone has an opinion on this very very complex subject. At every turn, there are more cans of worms to open. Getting ready to delve deeper into one subject than I ever have before.

Baked a cake for Chris's Birthday (and mine too!) and began collecting all of our supplies into one place. Uncle Paul lent me one of his really intense hiking backpacks and gave me a tutorial on how to adjust the load to fit my body. Let the packing begin!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Holy Time Warp Batman! Where did October go!? I can't believe that it is already so close, like less than two weeks close! What if I am not ready, I am still getting used to you being married, world changing documentarian is still hard for me to wrap my head around. Let me say this: You are amazing. Eric is amazing. Chris is amazing. Your bravery, ingenuity, integrity and purpose are beyond anything my feelbe imagination could have, well, imagined. How exciting to be standing at the edge of your life as you know it, looking out into the future with bright wide open eyes, ready for anything and everything. It is wise to prepare for the worst while hoping for the best, and really, it often comes down to making the best of the worst, and you do that with more grace and style than anyone I have ever known. I want you to know that your friendship has been positivly instrumental in my life. You have always found purpose in all that you do, and as your purpose becomes farther reaching so does your influence and impact, making all that you do a tribute to the beauty and bravery of your spirit. As the three of you embark on your adventures, you are igniting the adventurous spirit in everyone who loves you and knows your love. And for that I thank all of you. You three are so inspiring it's disorienting. I wish I could see you again. My heart feels tight when I think about how far away you will be (I must admit some envy, but we already knew that now didn't we). I will miss you terribly. Feel better soon and have the Happiest Birthday my love.
Love, lurve, loave, luff you

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