Monday, October 02, 2006

Coming down from the big day, slowly, slowly, slowly.

We're married folks now. And everything was splendid. It was an emotional roller coaster, there was crying and freaking out and Bridezilla made an appearance, but it was magical and surreal and joyful and fun and playful and fabulous fabulous fabulous. I think everyone had a great time. (Although I was distressed to learn that neither of my new parents got any dinner...How did that happen?)

I'm still coming down from all of it, and I'm still too close to it all to really put it into words. I think some of Maggie's pictures will have to be posted ASAP. But it was really important to me that all of our friends and family witness our promise to spend our lives together. I think in some ways, nothing has really changed except that now all of our loved ones have acknowledged that Eric really is the most important person in my life. How beautiful and momentous.

We are here in Stillwater on a little mini-moon in a big ole Victorian mansion (and we have the master bedroom!) The little couple who own the place are maybe 28 or 30 and just bustle around smiling at us and doling out champagne glasses and ice buckets. They are so sweet and mellow and they bring us our breakfast in our room, so there are no awkward breakfasts with stangers. I want to get back to my new husband, but I wanted to say some quick thank yous too.

1) My new parents are so wonderful! Thank you both for making all of this possible and for bearing with our craziness and carefree attitude that sometimes caused confusion...(Diane, I especially apologize about the barbeque of love clean up that you were stuck with. I promise, I'll make it up to you any way you like.) I love you both so much. Thanks for bringing me aboard the Nelson clan. (Greg, everyone loved your speach. It brought the house down! I think you underestimate your comedic gifts.)

2) My wonderful mom for everything she did to keep me from going off the deep end. You are fabulous and thank you for helping me with this crazy party and thank you for making me who I am and thank you for carrying all the gong pieces around that endless basement with me and for hauling all those flowers into the Jeep and carting drunken Eric and I to our hotel. (And thanks for picking up our leftover cake and all those globes!) You were the best back-up quarterback any girl ever had. I love you so so much and I hope I continue to be more and more like you. You inspire me.

3) My beloved Jessica, who came early on and came on errands with me and helped me make phone calls and picked things up and chose flowers with me and calmed me down and reminded me to take my allergy pills and breathe deeply and put ice and soda in the buckets and played bean bags with Eric and took Sarah shoe shopping...Yeah, I really really love you and you helped us pull this all off. We both love you dearly. Thank you for loving us and showing us exactly how much through this past week.

Of course, there are a million other people to thank and write notes to, but I wanted to give a little shout to you four for helping Eric and I head into wedded bliss. The leaves are changing here and they are so gorgeous. Yellow, reds and oranges and that sharp green that is about to change into yellow. Chartreuse, I guess. And the leaves on the sidewalk fluttering around and crunching underfoot. The seasons are changing, but we're going to hold on to this moment for a little longer, and then begin dealing with the next big changes wholeheartedly. I'm full of joy.

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