Thursday, June 09, 2011

Graduation Week in Lund, Sweden

We've made our way to Lund, Sweden for a visit with our dear friend Brandon. It's graduation week and many of the local high school students have a tradition of dressing in white, donning sailor caps, renting a truck, decorating the sides with tree branches and driving around town drinking beers, blasting music and blowing whistles. Here are a few roaming bands of them I managed to snap. So many blondes!

Sweden is very charming- we've been drinking lots of coffee (Brandon says Swedes drink more coffee per capita than anywhere else on earth!) enjoying wandering the cobblestoned streets, cooking in (we made incredible fish tacos last night!) and shopping at little Swedish dollar stores. I can't wait to show you what we did yesterday- it involved railroad tracks, ten dollars worth of fancy cheese and wild flower picking!

1 comment:

jessica said...

Now that sounds like a celebration.

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