Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Strawberry, Lace and Cream Delight (A Riff on the Sundae)

Since we had our exciting news about Summer in Vienna, I've been determined to use up the contents of our pantry, freezer & fridge. (Is it just me, or is throwing away food the worst part of moving?)

This riff on a Sundae was one of the happy results. It's a simple oatmeal lace cookie ( a cinch to make, it only took me ten minutes! I left out the corn syrup because I didn't have any and they were just lovely.) a little cloud of whipped cream and some local strawberries from the farmer's market. I liked the lace cookies sitting atop my vinyl lace place mats from Urban Outfitters. I guess I have lace on the brain lately. What's cooking at your house lately?

P.S) Any tips for using up lentils? I have boatloads of them and only a month to go.

1 comment:

panoptica said...

lentils are specially good for making curry. I once made a recipe by Jamie Oliver, and it was quite good.

You could also let them germinate a while, and then eat with some cubed pear. So good. That's my mom's recipe... Yum...

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