Freelance Writing Clips

Monday, March 16, 2009

How to Make Tiny Fuzzy Easter Bunnies!

Miniature fuzzy easter Chicks are everywhere, but what about tiny fuzzy bunnies? I've never found any, and for a recent mobile I decided to make some with odds and ends I had lying around. They turned out so sweetly, I knew I had to share. Here's how to make some for your house!

You will need: three sizes of white poufs. I used cotton balls for my biggest poufs since I had loads of them around. (E is mysteriously terrified of their fibrous nature and was cringing throughout this project, poor dear. ) You will also need some pipe cleaners for ears . I like the sort pictured above because they look more natural, but regular ones will work fine too. You'll want some wire cutters too. I also used tiny seed beads for eyes. I had red handy instead of black, but I rather like the slightly sinister feel it gives them. We can't get too cutesy, now can we? You will also need a needle or pin, a hot glue gun and a sparkling beverage of your choice. (This last is optional, but who wouldn't want a little sparkly something to drink while making bunnies?)
First, hot glue the medium pouf to the large pouf to create the bunny's head.

Now a dab of hot glue on his rear to attach the smallest pouf for the tail.

Now, put a seed bead on the end of your needle. Dab it in the hot glue.

Make sure to stick it in there well- we don't want any blind bunnies!

Now for the ears! Trim them to desired length with your wire cutters.

Another dab of glue at the nape of his bunny neck.

Insert ears and hold firmly until dry. You may want to shape the ears a bit now.

See, isn't he sweet?

And they multiply like, well, you know! Stay tuned for part two where I'll show you how to make these into a charming garland for Easter. If you try these, be sure to let me know how they turned out!


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Those are eye-watering cute, I love them!

  2. And they multiply like..... I laughed out load at that. Nice tutorial.

  3. So cute! I think it's funny that E is afraid of cotton balls... my roommate in college had the same issue and everytime she got a new bottle of advil I had to open it for her and take out the cotton. Too funny!:-)

  4. Anonymous6:28 PM

    What a cute idea! So creative! Thank you.

  5. How adorable!! Thank you for sharing.

  6. Those are very cute! Great idea, thanks for sharing!

  7. Oh, they are so cute!!!

  8. Actually, your red-eyed bunnies are accurately albino! They don't look sinister to me at all - very adorable. ;)

  9. I want to attempt these-what a cute size to hide in eggs


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