Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tired of plain old Chocolate Chip Cookies? Try these!

Do you have a sweet tooth? Lord knows I do. I try to keep it at bay by refusing to buy store bought cookies. Instead, if I'm really in need of a little sugar buzz, I have to go to the trouble of mixing up a batch. In many cases this technique separates a serious craving from a minor one.

I'd been in a bit of a chocolate chip cookie rut- (I like to stir up the batter and then roll it into a log, wrap it in plastic and freeze it. Then when I'm feeling like a little cookie, I can cut off a slice and put in the oven at 350 for one single warm cookie just when I need it.)

I decided to shake it up a bit. Here are the latest treats coming out of my oven:

Chocolate dipped shortbread. I hadn't planned to make them faces, but the gooey chocolate looked so much like a swirly pompadour hair-do I had to give them little eyes and mustaches to match.

Cream Cheese Mac Nut cookies with orange zest. I added white chocolate chips to make 'em extra decadent. From the eternally inspiring Silver Palate cookbook.

Russian Tea Cakes. So lovely with an afternoon coffee.

What's your favorite cookie recipe?


Rachel said...

Yum! now I want a cookie... :)

I like to make up a batch of chocolate chip cookies, bake them and then freeze them. It's funny, I know, but I actually enjoy them frozen as a cool treat!

Kathryn Dyche said...

Mmm you're making me so hungry.

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