My conjecture is that the concoction above was originally sketched by some exasperated low on the totem pole designer as a cunning satire of the fickle fashion industry. Sadly, she lacked the courage to reveal the farce to the people in charge. Before she knew what was happening these Barbarella meets Lawrence of Arabia nightmares were put into production in a Taiwanese factory. The employees in charge of gluing them together thought "Gee, these seem as though they would be too hot and bulky for summer, simultaneously too exposed for fall and too hideous for anytime, but hey, what do we know about Western fancies?". Soon these cozy ankle warming sandals were boxed up and sent out into the world to shod people's feet. People who were, by the way, convinced that they were "in" on "it". So if irony is your thing, or you're looking for a Halloween costume, I think you've found your shoe. Also, it's called "The Huntress". Rawr!
Hilarious!! I love this post... "The Huntress," priceless.
LOL - I love crazy shoes but this one has indeed gone too far!
I have seen those in stores and thought "Who the heck is going to buy that?!". But maybe you are right - Halloween might help them to sell those...
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