I've got to level with you- I've got a major case of the drearies. You'd think moving to a tropical paradise would have me in positively jubilant spirits, but that just hasn't been the case. I've been doing lots of lolling around in my pajamas with a fan on full blast as I troll the internet, eat rocky road and generally avoid doing anything useful. Not the most flattering picture, but there you have it.
Here are some of the cheerfully colored goodies I've been adding to my wish list. Let's hope a little jolt of color will do the trick! (If you are curious to see our new Hawaiian digs, feel free to peek over here and here.)

What fun and bright picks! I'm thrilled to be a part of this lovely collection. Thanks so much!
I love the cheerful colors! Thanks so much for including me.
oh girl,
it's gonna be fine, just give your head a chance to catch up with your body!
You're just recharging your batteries ;D Wonderful colors!
Hope the drearies go hide under the bed where they belong instead of bugging you too much longer! Have you gone on a pineapple hunt yet??
Hubba Hubba these photos and colors are wodnerful! I like the Salt and pepper shakers, the cranes, the necklace, whew just everything!!!
You have created such a lovely collection! The inclusion of one of my pieces really brightened my day! Thank you.
You're always there with a pick-me-up when I need one! :D
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