This is funny because it's true! And it inspired me to make a list of blogs that are off the beaten path. Here are five blogs that are full of amazing content I never seen anywhere else.
1) Hollister Hovey: This is one lady who follows the creed "To thine own self be true!" Her collection of pith helmets alone recommends her in my mind. Check out her mother's day post for further evidence of total originality.
2) Le Blog de Betty: This French girl pulls together endless permutations from her closet and always manages to look totally unique. She inspires me to be bolder with my combinations too. If nothing else, I've learned to worry less about matching and think more about texture and proportion in my own wardrobe. (And I love how she translates her French for all us English speakers- it's totally charming.)
3) Double Takes: Lauren has a knack for finding things no one else has posted yet and I'm in love. She always discovers incredible things- like this rug!
4) The Rag & Bone Blog: This blog is always full of the coolest new work from paper and book artists all over the world. Invariably leads me to something incredible that I've never seen before.
5) Yesterday was Dramatic, Today is Okay: I discovered this blog through one of Jimena's beautiful blogosphere roundups, and I'm in love. Amazing photos of daily life in India. Makes me want to go and visit even more.
What wonderful new blogs are you reading lately? I'd love some fresh ones!
lately i really like nerd boyfriend and 1001 rules for my unborn son. thanks for sharing! (and for the encouraging words. really.)
So cool you found Yesterday was Dramatic through my posts... I love her blog too... The photos are incredibly breathtaking...
Some of my faves that I haven't gotten around to featuring in the blogosphere reviews are
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