Thursday, November 13, 2008

Odds 'n Ends for Decking the Halls

Do you ever save things knowing vaguely in the back of your mind that they will be perfect for some future project you have yet to imagine? And then one day all the pieces magically come together and you pull those odds and ends out and use them up. There is nothing so satisfying.

I had three foam balls. An unreasonably large stash of sequins. Oodles of straight pins from all the shirts I bought Eric in China. Inspiration struck. I’m making them into Christmas ornaments.

You can imagine how heavy these little suckers get when filled with almost 900 straight pins. (That’s an estimate. I had to go out and buy six more 500 piece packages of pins to finish all three.) But I think they look so cool.

Every so often it pays to listen to one's inner pack rat.

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