One of my favorite things about China are the incredibly inexpensive tailors. I found this crazy vintage fabric in Arizona awhile back and had it made into pillows (with zippers so I can launder them) for $2.50 each. The pattern is a little obnoxious, but I think the black and white pillows (from Ikea) break it up a bit. Or maybe I've just been reading too much Design Sponge.

Here is a closeup (that just happens to include my new white leather D&G bag...)

And on my recent trip to Ikea in Hong Kong I also grabbed a few of their cheap balsa wood frames to gussy. I think this one turned out well, though for the next one I think I'll stick with just one color.

I also can't resist sharing a close up of this orchid I haven't killed yet...Gorgeous, right? And cost me a whopping $3.50. Did I mention that I love it here?

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I so enjoy your journal.
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