Everything is lush and blooming and overflowing onto sidewalks and showering cars,streets, benches and people with tiny green and yellow seeds. The colors and smells and general fertility are overwhelmingly gorgeous. I suppose this is the real reason why people live in the Midwest. The winters may be horrifying indeed, but, OH, the way things bloom! It feels like a gun went off and suddenly everything came alive at once. Having lived in desolation for six months of winter makes the explosion so startling and noticeable and precious. Its beautiful. Today I saw a peony bush bursting with flowers; amazing since they don't normally bloom until early June. And there are lilies of the valley growing like weeds alongside all the hostas. How can they be everywhere and cost near six dollars a stem at florists? They are so sturdy and tiny, a little row of bells. They just kill me. I also saw a lawn today that had completely overgrown with wild violets and dandelions and it looked so pretty and wild and wonderfully un-manicured. I wonder if someone did that on purpose in order to avoid mowing. It really does look much nicer than a boring square of perfectly shorn sod. And the lilac bushes everywhere sending their perfectly heady smell off into the wind. Oh, I just can't help but stare and feel thrilled and lucky to notice it.
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